Our Singers

Our membership is listed below. We are blessed to have a very talented group of singers that love sharing their gifts and their love of choral music in the Lowcountry.  Interested in joining us? Visit our membership page.

Meet our members!


Valeri Dougherty

Pamela Gardiner

Julia Grimm

Annamaria Myers

Sherry Poole Padgett

Chris Rogers-Berry

Val Swabb

Alex Wizes

Charlene Woods


Zailie Chapman

Barbara Dobbs

Betsy McAmis

Sharon Napoleone

Susan Storm Pomeroy

Diane Rodwell

Lisa Davol Spires

Kyai Ward


Ken Myers

Tony Pecorara

David Reid

John Stoney

Joe Swisher

Kirstin Tanner


Jonathan Case

Mark Denning

Jeff Madil

Matthew Miante

Greg Spires